Mammograms Save Lives, Schedule Yours Today


We all know how hard moms work. Whether in the home or office, moms are always caring and providing for their family. This May, give the moms in your life some extra attention and spend some quality time celebrating their impact on your life. No matter your age, there are so many ways to show a mom you care.

For the Adventurous Mom

  • Concert/Night Out: Find a musician or comedian you both like and spend the night laughing or dancing with your favorite mom.
  • Ziplining/High Ropes Course: You might be surprised to find how many new adventures can be found in your neighborhood. Arcades and adventure parks have a wide variety of adventure options.
  • Visit a Museum: Has your mom been talking about a new exhibit at the Air and Space Museum? The Smithsonian’s constantly rotating exhibits provide unending fun for an adventurous mom.
  • Play Her Favorite Sport: If you want to see your mom’s competitive side, challenge her to a one-on-one of her favorite sport.
  • Karaoke Night: Whether you go out or stay in, belting out your favorite songs is never a bad way to spend the evening.
  • Go on a road trip without planning it: Bring a coin and get in the car. On heads, turn right, on tails, turn left. See where you end up!
  • Visit your mom’s college campus: If your mom went to college within a day’s drive, spend a day wandering the campus. Ask her for her college stories. Make sure to get ice cream and hit up her favorite places to eat.

For the Mom Who Loves to Relax

  • Spa Day: If your mom loves to relax, why not take her to the spa for a day? 
  • Manicures/Pedicures: Can’t fit in a whole day at the spa? Take your mom out for a manicure or pedicure, or do each other’s nails at home.
  • DIY Masks and Makeup: Too content at home to leave? Check out one of these DIY masks to make your own with natural ingredients at home, or pull out the makeup bag and give each other a makeover to remember.
  • Look at Old Pictures/Scrapbooks: Pull out the old cookie tin or scrapbooks full of your mom’s old pictures. Ask her who the boy is in her prom photo, or what activities or sports she did in high school.
  • Take a Yoga Class Together: Alright, this one requires a little bit of work, but you’ll leave feeling relaxed, stretched, and ready to take on the day.
  • Brunch: What’s more relaxing than being allowed to sleep in and enjoy a meal together? Take your mom out for brunch or make a meal together at home. Take your time, and enjoy each other’s company.

For the Home Mom

  • Baking: Find a crazy new cake, pie, or other sweet to make together. Don’t forget to clean up afterward!
  • Book Club Day: Curl up together and read aloud from the same book, taking turns for each chapter.
  • Make a Cool Craft: No matter your age, crafting with your mom can still be a fun way to spend an afternoon together. Both kids and adults can learn and create new things.
  • Plan a Photoshoot: Grab a few cool outfits, do up your hair and makeup, and grab that camera. With creativity and smiles, create photographs and memories that will last a lot longer than an afternoon. If you plan to use your phone, check out our tips for taking great smartphone images.
  • Call/Visit Grandma: Whether she lives close or far, turning a mother-daughter day into a mother-daughter-grandmother day can make all of you feel closer and create memories.
  • Make a Time Capsule: If you want to remember this day in future years, make a time capsule and fill it with things you find important now. Put a date on the outside and don’t touch it until that date!
  • Play Board Games: See if your mom has a competitive streak and challenge her to a board game marathon.
  • Visit the Library or Bookstore: Explore the youth area and find your mom’s favorite childhood picture books. Read them together and ask her if it’s how she remembered it.

Whether you’re a daughter or a parent, you know the sacrifices all parents make. Health shouldn’t be one of those sacrifices – Schedule a mammogram for yourself or your mom today and give yourself and your family peace of mind.

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